Decision Neuroscience - From Neurons to Societies
We are happy to announce the first Berlin Decision Neuroscience Workshop to be held at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in September 2010 (evening of September 23rd to afternoon of September 25th).
Decision neuroscience is the convergence of neuroscience and decision sciences, such as psychology, economics, and statistics. It spans a large range of sub-disciplines including, among others, animal neurophysiology, computational neuroscience, cognitive and affective neuroscience, behavioral neuroscience, social neuroscience, game theory, behavioral economics, neuroeconomics, and psychiatry.
Our goal is to bridge some of the gaps between these different disciplines. We will have six sessions centering on hot topics in decision neuroscience.
The topics will include: Social learning and decision making, Decision making and disorders, Neuromodulation of decision making, Perceptual decision making, Value-based decision making, and Economic decision making under risk.
In these sessions we will investigate themes like the trade-off between speed and accuracy, the influence of advice on learning, or the effect of genotypes and aging on decision making from the perspective of the different disciplines. Sessions will include presentations by established scientists as well as junior researchers. We will also keep ample time for discussions.
The list of confirmed speakers so far includes: Hans Breiter, Rafal Bogacz, Andrew Caplin, Roshan Cools, Ray Dolan, Lesley Fellows, Birte Forstmann, Joshua Gold, Kevin Laland, Burkhard Pleger, Antonio Rangel, Alan Sanfey, Geoff Schoenbaum, and Philippe Tobler.
Participants are welcome to submit abstracts for poster presentation that will take place throughout the workshop.
We’re looking forward to welcoming you to Berlin,
On behalf of the organizing committee,
Hauke Heekeren